Figure out Food Sensitivities to prepare for family holiday gatherings.
Heading into the holidays unsure of what foods are causing bloating, digestive upset, joint pain or headaches? When it comes to our body reacting to the foods we are eating, there can be up to a 72-hour delay from the moment we eat something until the moment we start to experience symptoms.
These sensitivities are due to the IgG or IgA antibody-driven reactions that can affect the intestinal environment, but can also trickle into the skin, joints, brain, and other organ systems with symptoms.
This is where a food journal can come in handy of writing down the foods that you are eating and comparing with the symptoms you are noticing. You may be able to notice a trend with certain foods and symptoms and can reduce that food from your diet temporarily.
Don’t have time for a food diary or need answers quicker? Our clinic offers a “Food Sensitivity Complete” blood panel with Vibrant Wellness that tests 209 foods + 54 Additives for only $449. The test kit is mailed to your house, you will take it to any local blood draw location, they will draw the blood, and then mail the kit back to Vibrant to process the results. Once the results are ready, the Doctors of Chiropractic at The Irenic Place will go over the results line by line with you in as short as 2 weeks.