Dr. Kayla Ahlfinger, Dr. Michelle Parker, and Dr. Leslie Hasbini in Aledo, Texas as Doctors of Chiropractic helping with patients with autoimmunity.
“I have a brilliant, beyond brilliant idea” is a trending audio on Instagram. We have used this audio to make a reel talking about some tips for someone that may have autoimmunity to talk to someone that has had success with reversing the same condition they are hoping to, as well.
In our clinic located in Aledo, Texas (which is 15 minutes west of Fort Worth and 15 minutes east of Weatherford) alone, have female Doctors of Chiropractic that have personal experience with reversing Crohn's, Celiac, Dysautonomia, POTS, Breast Implant Illness, Hashimoto's, PANDAS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and more.
If you have been on this journey for a long time, we have been there, too.
If you are needing further help on your journey, reach out and let’s see if we can help.